Chairman convened BCC Meeting at 9:30 A.M.


Opening Ceremonies

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance

Awards and Presentations:



Presentation - City of Altamonte Springs - Mayor Russ Hauck – Mayor Hauck discussed future development plans in the City of Altamonte Springs.


County Attorney’s Report

  • Consent Agenda (Items No. 2 – 4 including add-ons 4A and 4B) Board unanimously approved. (5-0)
  • County Attorney’s Briefing - None
  • Information Items


Discussion re: Appointment of Red McCullough to the Tourist Development Council – Board unanimously ratified the appointment of Red McCullough to the Tourist Development Council, with full knowledge of Mr. McCullough’s contract pertaining to hotel occupancy. (5-0)



Sales Tax Referendum Challenge - County Attorney advised this challenge was dismissed with prejudice. A motion has since been filed for a rehearing and the case is still pending.



County Attorney advised the 5th District Court of Appeal has determined not to review the County’s petition in the Callin case.



County Attorney advised that Deputy County Attorney Stephen Lee would be located at the Reflections Office where he will manage the operation.


Legislative Update – Bobby Brantley, Legislative Consultant discussed the various Seminole County legislative projects.


County Manager’s Report


  • Consent Agenda (Items No. 5 - 29) Board unanimously approved Items No. 5 – 29 with the exception of No. 20, which was pulled for a separate vote. (5-0)


Award RFP-4129-01/BJC – Right-of-Way Acquisition Services for Lake Drive Road Improvement, to PBS&J, Orlando (Not-to-Exceed $250,000.00). – Board unanimously directed staff to come up with a formal recommendation pertaining to the Lake Drive project. (5-0) Staff to evaluate the issues and brief the individual Commissioners prior to bringing back an action plan.

  • Constitutional Officers Report(s)
  • Clerk’s Report (Consent Agenda Items No. 30 - 36) – Board unanimously approved. (5-0)
  • Sheriff’s Report – (Consent Agenda No. 37) – Board unanimously approved. (5-0)
  • Regular Agenda


Florida Power & Light Building – Board unanimously agreed to move forward with tearing down the building; staff to establish the cost involved further evaluate the City of Sanford’s proposal; and ask Mr. Spolsky to hold his bid until such time as staff can bring this issue to the Board at the first meeting in March.



Florida Gas Transmission LineTree Replacement Funds – Request approval of list of projects eligible for funding through the Florida Gas transmission line tree replacement funds. Board unanimously approved list with revisions as identified. (5-0)

  • County Manager’s Briefing


Courthouse Update – Representative of the HIKS/ACI design team reviewed the schematic design of the Seminole County Criminal Justice Center.



Natural Land Program Status and Prioritization of Remaining Funding – Request Board direction regarding (1) Continuation of negotiations and/or reallocation of funds from the 1990 Bond Referendum; and (2) Board consideration of new sites recommended by the Natural Lands Committee for the 2000 Bond Referendum. Staff reviewed the recommendations. Board by unanimous consensus removed the funding for the Wekiva Marina; gave property owners 60 days for consideration of the Flagler Trailhead property and 60 days for the Spring Hammock property; and authorized staff to move forward with the concept as submitted.

  • Recess BCC Meeting until 1:30 P.M.
  • Reconvene BCC Meeting at 1:30 P.M.

Commissioner Morris out of meeting.

  • Public Hearing Agenda
  • Accept Proofs of Publication
  • Chairman’s statement of Public Hearing Rules and Procedures

Public Hearings:



Vacate and Abandon a portion of the 20-foot wide platted drainage easement located on Lot 15, Capri Cove at 599 Milano Court (Douglas J. Fletcher). District 5 – McLain – Board unanimously adopted Resolution to vacate and abandon subject property. (4-0)


Commissioner Morris entered meeting.



Vacate and Abandon a portion of drainage easement on the southeastern property boundary of Lot 9, Antigua Pointe located off Tuskawilla Road, l/4 mile north of Aloma Ave. (Terry and Leigh Garzon). District 1 – Maloy (Shannon Suffron, Planner) – Board unanimously adopted Resolution to vacate and abandon subject property. (5-0)


Chairman’s Report



Chairman distributed the liaison appointments.



Board unanimously appointed Commissioner Henley to the Seminole Readiness Coalition Council. (5-0)



Board unanimously appointed Bruce McMenemy to the United Arts Standards and Allocations Committee. (5-0)


District Commissioner’s Report – District 4, 5, 1, 2, and 3



Board unanimously appointed Kathleen Prince to the Animal Control Board for a one-year term ending January 1, 2003; reappointed Don Epps to the Historical Commission for a two-year term ending January 1, 2004; reappointed Tom Artingstall and appointed Jane Harrison to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board for one-year term ending January 1, 2003; reappointed Wally Hill, Bill Fernandez and Pat Burkett to the Trails & Greenways Task Force for a two-year term ending January 1, 2004; and adopted Resolutions commending Anthony Mujic for services on the Animal Control Board and Lois Fairbrother for services on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. District 4 - Henley



Commissioner Henley thanked Sally Sherman, Don Fisher and his Aide for resolving some district issues during his absence.



Board unanimously appointed Beth Hattaway to the Planning & Zoning Commission to fill the unexpired term ending January 1, 2004; and authorized a letter of thanks sent to Grey Wilson for his services on the Planning & Zoning Commission; reappointed Jean Metts to the Code Enforcement Board for a three-year term; and reappointed Cindy Gennell and Mike Martin to the Trails and Greenways Task Force. (5-0) District 5 - McLain



Board unanimously reappointed Chris LaSage to the Animal Control Board for a term ending 01/01/03; reappointed Lorraine Whiting and appointed Ben Wheeler to the Historical Commission for a term ending 01/01/03; reappointed Bill Daniel and Mark Clifford to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board for a term ending 01/01/03; appointed Tony Shahnamni and reappointed Tony Tizzio to the Trails and Greenways Task Force for a term ending 01/01/04. District 1 - Maloy



Commissioner Maloy discussed the opening of the Casselberry Dental Clinic located at 132 Sausalito Boulevard, Casselberry.


Board unanimously appointed Bonnie Carillon to the Animal Control Board for a one-year term; reappointed Stan Bessmer to the Library Advisory Board for a two-year term; appointed Tom Green to the Seminole County Industrial Development Authority to fill unexpired term ending January 1, 2003; and adopted Resolution commending Greg Stubbs for his services on the Industrial Development Authority. District 2 - Morris



Discussion re: Central Florida Loop – 200-Mile Greenway and Trail System. District 2 - Morris



Discussion re: Renaming CR 427 to Ronald Reagan Boulevard. County Manager to evaluate this proposal. District 2 – Morris



Discussion re: National Trails Symposium hosted by the Florida Office of Greenways & Trails at the Greenlefe Resort in Haines City. Commissioner Morris appointed Fundraising Chairman. District 2 - Morris



Discussion re: Land Use Changes/Zoning – Staff to evaluate options regarding change of zoning from Apartments to Condominiums or Townhouses. District 2 - Morris



Discussion re: SGTV Programming. Provide facts of each Seminole County Department and services available. District 2 - Morris



Discussion re: I-4 Rest Areas in Longwood. Board unanimously authorized the Chairman to send a letter to FDOT to either remove the rest areas or if rest areas are needed, not to expand them. (5-0) County Manager to draft letter for Chairman’s signature.



Board unanimously reappointed Dr. Stephen Wiseman to the Animal Control Board for a one-year term; Mike Hattaway to the Board of Adjustment for a four-year term; Cecil Tucker to the Historical Commission for a two-year term; Kendra Juge to the Library Advisory Board for a two-year term; Ben Tucker and William Kinane to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board for a one-year term; Roger Cooper, John Penny and Wiley Dykes, Sr. to the Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee; appointed David Knickerbocker to the Seminole County Port Authority (rotating appointment) for a four-year term ending January 1, 2006; and adopted Resolution commending Janet Hawkins for her services on the Seminole County Port Authority Board. (5-0) District 3


Committee Reports



Commissioner Van Der Weide advised that MetroPlan (MPO) has scheduled a workshop tomorrow at Alaqua Country Club



Commissioner Maloy advised he is unable to attend the Wastewater Transmission Authority meetings as they are held on Thursday. Chairman stated he would work with Commissioner Maloy regarding this liaison appointment.


County Manager’s Report - None

  • Recess BCC Meeting until 7:00 P.M.
  • Reconvene BCC Meeting at 7:00 P.M.

Commissioner Morris absent.


Public Hearings:



(continued from 11/27/01 Typical Section and Alignment for the design of Sand Lake Road from Hunt Club Boulevard to State Road 434. District 3 – Commissioner Van Der Weide - Board unanimously approved Segment 5. (4-0)



Rezone from R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling) and A-1 (Agriculture) to R-1AAAA (Single Family Dwelling District) and RC-1 (Country Homes District); property located on the west side of Little Lake Howell at the intersection of Lake Drive and Bird Road (Mark Crone on behalf of Arthur E. Grindle, Jr.). District 1 – Maloy – Board unanimously approved. (4-0)



Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) and C-1 (Retail Commercial) to PUD (Planned Unit Development); property located north of SR 46 and east of Beardall Avenue (Vince Leffler). District 5 – McLain – Board unanimously approved with minor revisions. (4-0)



Revisions to Red Bug Lake Village PUD/PCD Final Master Plan and Developer’s Commitment Agreement; property located on the northeast corner of Red Bug Lake Road and Dodd Road (Harling Locklin & Associates). District 1 – Maloy – Board unanimously approved with conditions. (4-0)


County Manager’s Report



Discussion re: Bid for US Amateur Soccer Association National Headquarters – Board unanimously authorized Chairman to sign letter of support endorsing the bid proposal for the relocation of the US Amateur Soccer Association national headquarters to Seminole County. (4-0)


Items for future Agenda – Commission, Staff, or Citizens - None


BCC meeting adjourned.